Greetings. Welcome to my online ‘Man Cave‘. I go by the nickname “JB”. It is short for my name: Jean Borde. The “Jean” is French and means “John” in English. As you guessed, I am supposed to have French ancestry but a recent DNA test, which I will cover on another page, shows my ancestry is more mixed than simply “French”.
You were a Missionary?
I once did many years of missionary work in various countries. In all those years, I have found that spirituality is more about the inner you — the part that no one sees. Developing the persona of “good” is actually about doing good and not just talking about it. For instance, what is the point of a dozen prayers, memorized scriptures and so forth… yet when someone asks for help you turn them away or simply ignore them?
Are you sure you are not a Monk?
I dabble in many things but in the forefront I am a realist, minimalist, and vegan. I do not push my lifestyle on anyone but I am willing to share it if someone is willing to listen. For example, as a minimalist I find myself happier in not having to be surrounded by many things or even concerning myself with the same. It allows me to concentrate on what matters.
Bread and Vegan Butter
For work, I wear the hat of a front end web designer, videographer and social media content creator. I come from the era of dial up modems so I learned how to build sites and edit codes using NotePad .However, I keep myself present for other things in order to enure needs are met.
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking.”
— Steve Jobs
A Parent of Special Needs
As a dad of three children with special needs, making good use of my time is very important to me. I live a very challenging life and it has altered me in a way I never knew possible. I am more aware now, ‘unplugged’ as it were.
Small Mercies
You can DONATE but if you cannot please SUBSCRIBE to my channel so you can be informed when I have something new. Please ask others to do the same to support what I do and who I deeply love and care about. In so doing, you help me to reach just a little bit closer to achieving more for those who have so little. You can also follow or like me on Facebook. This page will be my ‘Man Cave’ as is explained on my About page.
An encounter with me
I tend to document what I experience be it through writing or video in order to share it with others. Most times, if I go to any place I have a camera in hand an am secretly analyzing all before me to see how best I can present it to a wider audience.
Please also have a look at the Menu to the top for more specific pages or access more specific areas of interest from the menu above.
Do visit my YouTube Channel to see the latest videos from JB Man Cave channel. I have thousands of videos uploaded. Please make sure to check it out and if you identify with anything feel free to comment about it.
See my Channel and SUBSCRIBE
I am a Jamaican married to a Trini who enjoys watching your videos. We appreciate what you are doing and enjoy traveling through Trinidad with you. It’s a wonderful experience since I’ve never traveled to Trinidad and my husband has not gone back since he left there as a child. One thing however, could you focus a little more on important details like certain writings on buildings or monuments. For example: when you passed by the building with the medalists; we were trying to read the names but was unable to. Thanks