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DNA and Genealogy

I have been an avid genealogical researcher since I was in my teens. I have albums of both the matriarchal and patriarchal side of my ancestry.

Trinidad and Tobago Genealogy

The interesting thing about this kind of family research is that it is very much like Chinese letters, the game where you pass on a message hoping the next person tells it correctly. I say this because when you ask living blood related seniors what kind of ethnic / racial background were their parents / grand-parents you would get varying responses.

This is why genealogical research should always be around documents so you can follow the paper trail.

One of the real ways to know for sure ‘where you came from’ is to do a DNA test. I have done one in 2019 and put the results in a new video above. You can also see what I’ve done here: Borde Genealogy – Jean Borde Family History

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